Friday, January 30, 2009

Pretty music and some quick updates

Wow, I have posted a lot this week...Anyway a few things:

1. If you don't already know, now you do, I am a huge dork and I just recently got into anime which has led me to a general facilation with all things Japanese...anyway I also discovered imeem, which is a site which lets you find whatever music you want and then you can put it your blog! So check out the ridiculously pretty songs to the right. They are by a Japanese singer named Aoi Teshima who has the coolest voice ever. My favorite thus far is 'twilight'. Enjoy.

2. The pigeons are gone!! That took about an hour off my day, yay! But I miss my little buddy :( He will be happier with other pigeons though. God speed little guy.

3. we got a HORRIFYING new turkey vulture whose cage I have to climb into to catch. He makes a noise that sounds like...Darth Vader breathing/a dying cat which creeps the hell out of me...and he smells...real bad. Anyway thats all for now. 50 days until spring! (give or take).

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