Friday, January 16, 2009

Brief and to the point

IT'S FREAKIN' COLD OUT! I know most of the nation is experiencing ridiculous arctic weather right now, and it is actually warmer here than back at home in MA, however....I WORK OUTSIDE ALL DAY :( This morning it was 5 with a wind chill of -5. There are 4 animals inside that are usually outside due to the cold, including a reeeeeally nasty tempered possum. Also we just got ANOTHER pigeon and ANOTHER gull, bringing it up to a total of 5 pigeons and 6 gulls inside...and there are still like...100 other animals chillaxin here too. But actually this week went pretty well. We were on survival mode so no scrubbing of the cages since it freezes immediately. Once it gets warmer again it's going to be heck to scrub out the cummulative shit from like 2 weeks of below zero temperatures, but oh well. And Sarah and Meghan are coming tonight!!! That's all for now. I have some fun stories for later though. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

sarahlucindaclark said...

-6 with windchill of -18 this morning :( see you soooon

make sure I take lots of pictures, everyone wants to see the aminals!