Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I applied to UVM! Cross your fingers! Also, here is a current list of things the turkeys do which is infuriating or hilarious...or both:

1. Steal mice, dog food, trash bags, and spoons out of my hand
2. Peck holes in the bag of shavings as I am walking around with it (without me noticing so that I leave a trail of shavings behind me)
3. Untie my apron springs by pecking them
4. Eating the following which is not food: trash bags, another turkey's toenail, each other's feathers, tape
5. Getting on the roof of whatever cage I am in and scary the animals I am in the cage with
6. Pecking my butt through the mesh of the cage I am in
7. Chasing Willow
8. Chasing Emily
9. Pooping on my car, my front stoop, the pathway, the cages, and me
10. Pecking the skylight to wake me up
11. Existing

That's all for now!


Mary Beth Brauer said...

Hi- I heard tonight in the news that mailmen in Rockport are being so badly harrassed by turkeys, they have suspended delivery in some areas. They are advising them to bring umbrellas for anti-turkey devices, but didn't explain what to do exactly. Your room is all painted. My fingers are crossed for UVM. Love ya, MOM

Emily said...

I hope you aren't suggesting that the turkeys chasing me was hilarious. Because it was indeed horrifying.

Also good luck!! And I can't wait until we have our aquarium trip later!