Friday, December 5, 2008

Animal Post Alert!

So here is what I know you all want :) Cute animal posts! Tomorrow is my day off so I can stay up kind of late tonight (like a big girl!) so I finally have some time to makes a more time consuming posts. Today's animal bio isssss.....a 2 part!

Video of Ternie!

Name: Ternie
Species: Laughing Gull (NOT actually a tern)
Reason he is here: Wing was broken and set before he got here so he can't fly.
Likes: Hearing himself make loud noises, pissing off Mary Jane by squeaking in her ear, getting treats
Dislikes: Whenever anyone else gets a treat and he doesn't, anyone being anywhere near him, having to move when he has one leg tucked up

Mary Jane

Name: Mary Jane
Species: Ring-billed Gull
Reason she is here: Badly broken wing which had to be amputated
Likes: Being called a pretty girl, biting Ternie when he squeaks in here face, getting secret treats when Ternie isn't looking
Dislikes: Ternie squeaking in her face, being taken to schools for education programs, and not being able to fly

I need to take another video of these guys and the other gulls in the morning. They all do that same thing when let out which is really funny at first and then really sad; They run out and run around the clinic with their wings out, look up for a place to perch, start flapping.....and then remember they can't fly. Every one of them, every time. Anyway, to end on a happier note. I am going to visit Drew tomorrow with Emily and we are going out to lunch and then to see Windfelder and her baby!! That's all for now, but stay tuned, I took a bunch of cute videos the other day.


sarahlucindaclark said...

i really hope Emily is going to be the camera woman for your television show because your camera work leaves something to be desired...

but I love you lots and lots and you will make a fabulous tv show host :)

Emily said...

hahaha yes sarah i will take that job. although i will piss cori off and try to film myself AND a deadly snake at the same time

Cori said...

whatever, I will probably wander off while you are doing that and get chased up a tree by pecarries