Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Baby, a Deflating Air Matress, and Henry's Sweet Tooth

So this weekend I had off and I went to go see Windfelder, PDol, and baby Windfelder (Maggie!) and she is absolutely adorable!! She was very curious about everything around her and had that grumpy "what is this?" kind of look on her face which was cute. I got to hold her and got a picture with her on the baby blanket I made for her which also made my day :) I'm so excited for Tammy and Patrick who will be really great parents I know. (PDol if you are reading this, I am excitedly waiting for those pictures to go up on facebook...and you obviously have so much free time now to do so....well whenever you get a chance). Anyway before that I went out to eat with Emily at the "Autobon Bread Society" which is what I keep thinking is the name of the Atlanta Bread Company which I guess I cross with Au Bon Pan? Anyway that was fun and we got to be dorky and natury together and planed like 3 trips I think. Then after all that I went to go visit Stacy and Jacob in their NEW APPARTMENT!!! To "help them move in" which actually meant to get them Wendy's and sit on an air matress with them amid their boxes and watch Suze Orman (Jacob's idol). I then decided to sleep over because I was further away from Connecticut than I thought, and the air matress like half deflated in the night which was pretty sad.

So that was part one of my weekend which was really fun. Part two was coming home today after getting a delicious free meal out of Jacob and Stacy (who have PAYING jobs, la de da). I then did some laundry for the clinic because I really had nothing else planned and laundry is soothing. When I got back (like an hour ago) I came into the clinic to put the laundry money bag back and Henry was out and Dara asked me to help her with something..dun dun dun. One of Henry's legs is really swollen and infected, probably from the weight he attempts to put on it when he tries to hobble around. My poor little guy. Anyway the other day I had to hold him down while she cut it open to get the puss out...and we just did it again tonight because there was more. So basically I had to crouch over him with most of him cradled to me, and with his face next to mine so he wouldn't bash his head on the floor. It was not so much fun. I felt really bad doing it since here is this animal who trusts you who you have to hold to the ground while cutting him open. Dara also felt really bad, and I hope on some level he (and all these animals for that matter) know that we are attempting to help. For the most part though I think they probably see us as scary monsters who keep them locked up and periodically poke them...Anyway, to end on a happier note here is a video just for mamma Dalton of Henry's reaction to her cookies. It was pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen. He LOVES them and Dara said it was fine to give him some since it's mostly oats and flour and what-not and he might as well enjoy life via cookies know....he can't walk. Anyway, enjoy:


sarahlucindaclark said...

"this video is not currently available" wtf mate

Meghan said...

that was pretty much the most amazing video ever...and my parents loved it :)

Now my mom will be making henry cookies :)

sarahlucindaclark said...

so cute!

Emily said...

Way to completely ignore the fact that i was with you for atlanta bread and the maggie visit. :( Lame-o

Cori said...

ummmm read again my friend

vickierice said...