Thursday, April 23, 2009


So I haven't posted in a while and here is why:

Last Thursday:

4 Bunnies
Last Friday

Two more bunnies (mixed in with previous bunnies):Last weekend while I was away

10 more bunnies:

This Tuesday

1 more bunny:

This Wednesday

5 more bunnies:

In total we have received 21 bunnies, but two died so now we only have EIGHTEEN BABY BUNNIES 0_o

Apparently this is normal for this time of year. Did you know that bunnies reproduce like.....bunnies?!

Anyway, that has kept us on our toes. Daphne (who is a boy) has now been dubbed Charlie the Fox and is still the cutest thing that ever happened. Here is some more video proof (note the move to the bigger cage and his adorable playfulness/eating my hands):


Stephanie/Sproffee said... in LOST!?!?

Emily said...

That is the best video ever!!!

sarahlucindaclark said...

21-2=18 ?

I know Mr.Bigs screwed up your math ability but you might want to check underneath things for that other bunny.

Megg13 said...

yeah i just noticed that too sarah haha

21-2 does NOT equal you can't spell or do math! :P

I want daphne(charlie) the baby fox!!! I WANT HIM! :)


Cori said...

lol I don't know how many there are anymore, they reproduce too fast!!!