Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Picky Animals and a Good Day

So today was actually a pretty good day for a few reasons. It started out a little rocky because all of the outdoor hoses are officially frozen and unusable so we now have to carry around buckets of warm water from outside...which is..heavy. I also started at 6:45 instead of 7 which helped in getting all the morning stuff done semi on-time. So the good! -

1. Nothing died!
2. Nothing lost a leg! (this has happened twice and is NOT ok)
3. I felt like I knew what I was doing for (almost) everything
4. The turkeys left me alone for the most part
5. Dara gave me Saturday and Sunday off and MEGHAN IS COMING TO VISIT!!!! :)
6. Got a package from my Aunt Janet with my birthday present in it (awesome cold weather clothes, thank you Auntie Janet!!!)
7. Dara's little girl Willow followed me around at the end of the day protecting me from the turkeys and "helping" by breaking up the ice from the water bowls and randomly yelling "oh no! run!" which was hilarious

Anyway everything is going pretty well and I'm slowly getting faster at doing things so maybe one day I will get everything done on time. Part two of this post will be describing the hilariously picky habits of some of the resident animals:

- the barn swallow will not eat canned meal worms
- the heron will only eat fresh small fish
- the duck likes to sit on the cage next to the door (and poop there)
- the birds in the outside songbird cage like the yellow colored pellets best...not the green...not the pink
- the owls must get (respectively for each cage), 3 small white mice, 6 medium mice, 16 large mice, AND my personal favorite for Woodsy and Bubo, 5 large mice and 12 small silky white mice LINED UP along the side of the table FROM LARGEST TO SMALLEST

these animals are living better than some people...but most of them have had a tough life so I guess its ok :)


vickierice said...

What happens if you don't line up the mice by size?

Meghan said...

yay for me coming to visit!! :)

Stephanie/Sproffee said...


I am amused that my mom is reading your blog.

I bought one last thing for your package and it is going out on Saturday if I have to walk ten miles in a blizzard to send it.

Cori said...

lolol I am too! Hi Stephie mom :) If you don't line them up....I...don't know? That's what the old intern told me to do. I assume the world would end, but that's just logic.