Friday, November 21, 2008

Yesterday and Meet the People I Work For

Hi everone! Tomorrow is my first weekend off in...I think 10 days so I am really excited AND Meghan is coming so I'm excited times 2 :) I think I will be much much happier after I have weekends off regularly, both for the obvious reason of having more time off, but also KNOWING when I'm going to have time off. The past few weeks have been really hard because I had no idea when I would get off next and I was really wiped out. Anyway, yesterday was also a good day because I got to leave from 2 to 4 in order to speak at a school about what we do at wildlife in crisis and show them some animals. It was AWESOME. It was an elementary school group called "Kids who Care" which was already really cute and they were very attentive and had cute questions and comments (all along the lines of "THIS ONE TIME I SAW AN ANIMAL AND IT....etc") I brought the box turtle with amputated hind legs (attacked by a dog) and Mary Jane (seagull with an amputated wing from a bad break). So it was a lot of fun and I think they enjoyed it too. Alright so part two of this entry is an introduction to the people here since I keep mentioning them and I don't think I ever officially explained who they all are:

Dara - Head of Wildlife in Crisis, hilariously disillusioned in people, strict but understanding and generally awesome. Favorite quotes: "Screw that! I wouldn't give someone my kidney. With my luck it would go to a rapist or a murdered" and "I wish people would just stop fucking with the animals"

Peter - Dara's wonderful husband, works from home and helps SOOO much at the end of the day by taking out trash and moping and generally chatting, buys my cocoa and munchkins from dunkin donuts on a weekly basis (I LOVE HIM!) and also master of understatements. Favorite quotes: "Yeah sooo anyway the girls boyfriend kinda moved in here...and was really creepy....and then he stole that was....bad"

Willow - Adorable 7 year old daughter of Dara and Peter who "helps" me occationally with chores and just generally makes my day by saying funny things. Favorite quotes (so far): "Can turkeys hear?" and "I decided we should name the duck Fredrick Freddy"

There is also the ex-intern Anna who comes in and LOVES the birds, Julie an older woman who comes in who LOVES the raccoons and occationally puts mysterious things in the cages (like a phonebook in the raccoon cage for them to TEAR APART UTTERLY), Marissa who is very quiet and nice and is awesome at pretty much everything, and Barbara who LOVES the seagulls and gives them way too many treats. There are some other volunteers as well but that is the basic cast. Next post: Animal bios! :)

1 comment:

sandyneck1 said...

Great Stuff Cori,

But I wanna see a baby pigeon - are they called squabs - or is that just a politically incorrect term for a female Native American?

Yer Uncle Peter