Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekends off!!

I think I actually already posted this but I had this weekend off and should now be having them off regularly which will make me much more of a happy camper at this internship. I am also coming home next weekend so even though I will miss Thanksgiving, hopefully I will have a chance to see my family and friends. That also means I will be home for my Meghan's birthday :) since it falls on a Saturday. So anyway, Meghan came this weekend which was nice for several reasons. Obviously because I got to see her and she also got to see where I work and all my little mangled animal friends, but also because it kind of helped cure the feeling that I am living in a little isolated bubble here. She also brought me BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!!1! I got Walle, which we promptly watched, and also a shell anklet which is like the one we wore for like 2 years in highschool. They broke a while ago and she had just gotten a new one and I mentioned I would like to get one again too, so it will be on my ankle until it falls off :) It was a really perfect present actually since I like having something to remind me that people in the outside world still love me even when animals legs get feel like no one should ever have to have that be a problem... Anyway, I also got (on the same day) MY PRESENT FROM SARAH!!! Equally awesome it was a care package, adorably delivered to my door by Willow who then helped me read the card (glad you didn't write anything obscene, Sarah). Anyway, it included PUMPKIN MUFFINS which I have already eaten most of, candy, hand lotion which is sorely needed, 23 birthday candles, and my personal favorite "animal crackers for when you need to bite something's head off". Thanks Sarah!! I will probably be putting all of those items into use immediately..the ones that aren't already in my stomache that is. Anyway in every post from now on (or in those when I remember to) I'm going to put a short animal bio so you can all learn about the animals I will be spending 5 more months nursing back to health. You have already met the turkeys, Henry the sad stumpy deer, and Delilah the semi-quadriplegic possum, so today the star will beeeee:

Name: Woody/Woodette
Species: Wood Duck
Likes: baths, playing with the gulls food and water, knocking things down, bullying the gulls, and pooping on anything not covered in newspaper
Dislikes: Peter, being picked up, and being called a she for the first several months of his life

Meet Woody the sassy wood duck. Formerly known as Woodette because it was believed that she was a girl, he is one of multiple gender confused animals living at WIC (more on that later). He bullies all the other animals regardless of how much bigger they are than him, HATES Peter for no obvious reason, andHere is a short video of his/her sassiness.


Stacy said...

I love how your job entails filming animals and pissing them off.

Stephanie/Sproffee said...

That's the first video that worked for me! Yay!

In other news I sent your package but it will take two months to arrive.

I wish I was kidding.

Meghan said...

yay!! i'm glad you think your presents were perfect! :) i can't wait for this weekend and my birthday!!! :)


sarahlucindaclark said...

i love when animals know they are pretty! P.S. this also works with people aka "who's a pretty Sarah?" "Peep! Peep!"... or more like "Squeak squeak!"

Glad you loved your gift, sorry I haven't called you back yet, I was afraid my phone was going to die.

Love, Love, Love!