Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey everyone! Thursday is my last day here so this will be a somewhat long post to catch you up on my life and post adorable pictures :) Sooo first order of business:

1. THE TURKEYS ARE GONE! Let me back up. We got a call a little over a week ago from a woman being harassed by a turkey in her yard. Dara saw the number and realized it was someone right down the road from us...sure enough...it was one of our turkeys. They apparently have been branching out in their harassment practices, only now it is landing them in trouble. Sooo, in order to keep them off animal contols radar and from becoming turkey dinners, they have both been sent to a farm. No, not the "farm" where old dogs go, an actual farm. Anyway, farewell turkeys! I will miss your 5 am tap on my skylight....wait no I won't...Enjoy the farm!

2. MORE BABIES. At our highest count there were 25 bunnies...omg. Currently we also have 2 baby raccoons (fuzzball 1 and 2!), a baby possum who looks like an alien, and 3 baby squirrels...OMG PICTURES:

3. About how Charlie 3 weeks ago:

Became Charlie now!I LOVE THIS ANIMAL SO MUCH! Anyway here is another quick video of him

Aaaaand last order of business

4. I am going to be working this summer at a nature camp but hanging out in Maine a lot so I will attempt to take more naturey pictures and also I plan to visit the clinic a few times....should I continue to update this blog?

Anyway, for those of you who I will see soon; See you soon!




Stephanie/Sproffee said...


Anonymous said...

Awww... he's starting to turn from cute baby fox into a vicious creature! That's both sweet AND terrifying!

Megg13 said...

i want him...can you sneak charlie home? or the sad looking racoon?! :)


sarahlucindaclark said...

i cleared out a space for the baby raccoon in my apt. I promise to protect him from Jacqueline. I'll be waiting for him to be delivered.

Emily said...

Um yes keep updating! At the very least you will have exciting vermont stories in a few months! And the fox and the raccoon are sooo cute.