Sunday, January 25, 2009

A few quick stories

The past few weekends/weeks have been quite eventful, so I'm currently all tuckered out and a little bummed because I have to drive back to Connecticut in an hour or so. Anyway, here are the highlights of the past week:

1. Wednesday was quite busy because I have to do a presentation at another school. Very fun, but I still have to take care of all the animals as usual, so also stressful. In addition, I went to pick up Stephie at the airport who is home from China for 2 weeks!! Here the story becomes more complicated; There was some kind of mix up online and her dad saw that her flight was THREE HOURS was indeed not, but I did not think to check again for about 2 hours after I would have normally left to get her, meanwhile poor Stephie was already at the airport and attempting to reach me by crappy pay phone since her phone only works in China...therefore I got messages that sounded like "MMhhhhhshshshshhs Cori?! sssnnnnnnnppppSHSHHHH?" Buuuut long story short, I did get her and we then immediately went to a Taco Bell which was apparently what she missed most about the U.S. haha and then got to her house in East Hartford at like 2 in the morning....then the next day I went back to work which was tiring BUT Stephie was AWESOME and came with me to help out. This was lucky because I had no other help on Thursday and also some people showed up with a GIANT angry turkey vulture without calling ahead which was silly...

2. I came home this weekend and actually got most of my application for UVM's Natural Resources program finished, wish me luck! Also I went out with Sarah and Meghan to Finale as a late Christmas present from Sarah and it was AMAZING. It is a place in Boston that sells primarily desserts which are all ridiculously good. Sarah got a sampler plate, I got tiramisu, and Meghan got a Boston creme cake and we ALSO all got dessert drinks which all seemed to have the same things in them (Kahlua, Bailey's, deliciousness) but were all named different things. Anyway we then took some amazing pictures of use being rowdy walking back to the car which I'm sure Meg will put up soon. Today (Sunday) we went to the Frog Pond in Boston to go skating which was fun because I had never gone so I felt like a bad Bostonian...however it was QUITE chilly today at about 5 degrees and the rental skates felt like bear traps on my it was brief but still worth it.

Anyway, now I am about to go back to CT for the up in my life: Jacob and Stacy's apartment party!! Then the next weekend I have been promised a kiss from a sea lion via a friend of Emily's at the aquarium in New York. Good times. Oh, also, because everyone keeps asking; Henry is doing pretty well although he is getting a lot more...well...deerish, meaning that he gets startled and scared by everything. This is inconvenient since he thrashes around and is now probably around 65 lbs with mini-antlers. Currently we also have SEVEN gulls and FIVE pigeons in side which is a lot, but I have been promised that they will be gone when I return (they are going to our pigeon and gull ladies, respectively). This is good because we have no more free cages inside...yet more animals keep arriving...hmm. Bye for now!

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